Getting the job done with experience, efficiency, and enthusiasm
Getting the job done with experience, efficiency, and enthusiasm
Exceeding expectations and achieving exemplary results with passion and
for all endeavors — from modest remodels to complex collaborations
Getting the job done with
experience, efficiency,
and enthusiasm
Exceeding expectations and achieving exemplary results with passion and creativity for all endeavors — from modest remodels to complex collaborations
Curabitur ut lectus facilisis turpis condimentum pharetra quis ut magna, sit amet rhoncus nisi tortor ut urna — then a little more.
Curabitur ut lectus facilisis turpis condimentum pharetra quis ut magna, sit amet rhoncus nisi tortor ut urna — then a little more.
Employ an iterative process to carry project forward through all phases of work. Develop optional schemes for review, assimilate revisions based on feedback, and seamlessly integrate consultants work to assure a cohesive whole consistent with stated goals and objectives.
Presentations and Submittals
Presentations & Submittals
Utilize an arsenal of tools to strategically represent the proposal (with all its advantages) in the best light possible to satisfy a myriad of concerns, gain requisite approvals and move the effort along as expeditiously as feasible.
Management and Collaboration
Management & Collaboration
Continuously reprioritize and reorganize tasks to help assure continued progress on a project, whether working alone or managing a team. Tutoring at CCSF developed sensitivity to gauge others strengths; employing those assets is critical to the successful delivery of a project as is the import of sharing knowledge, resources and maintaining team morale.
Provide initial direction/framework to a spectrum of consultants, followed up with respectful oversight that encourages all contributors to offer their creative input and expertise to enrich the final outcome cognitive of schedule and budget.
Analysis Focused Tasks
Define multitude of parameters that impact project (program, site conditions, context, various applicable codes, rules and regulations) and how they may be interpreted, applied and manipulated to achieve desired outcome. Experience writing bug reports and consistently reproducing those errors for examination, have refined my critical thinking and communication abilities.
Building Bridges Across Time, Across Generations
Building Bridges Across Time, Across Generations
Renaissance idealism and vision intersects with
the technological promises and possibilities of the future
Building Bridges
Across Time, Across Generations
Renaissance idealism and vision intersects
with the technological promises
and possibilities of the future
Donec et arcu imperdiet nulla egestas tincidunt quis sed neque. Morbi et turpis lorem. In vitae scelerisque risus, quis egestas ipsum. Nunc blandit, eros vitae maximus bibendum, nulla tortor tempor magna, sit amet rhoncus nisi tortor ut urna. Sed rutrum mauris ut pharetra tempor.
Donec et arcu imperdiet nulla egestas tincidunt quis sed neque. Morbi et turpis lorem. In vitae scelerisque risus, quis egestas ipsum. Nunc blandit, eros vitae maximus bibendum, nulla tortor tempor magna, sit amet rhoncus nisi tortor ut urna. Sed rutrum mauris ut pharetra tempor.
Wman link here
Etiam rutrum scelerisque est feugiat accumsan. Curabitur nisl massa, hendrerit et maximus ac, feugiat a velit. Vestibulum gravida diam quis risus molestie bibendum a et lacus.
Etiam rutrum scelerisque est feugiat accumsan. Curabitur nisl massa, hendrerit et maximus ac, feugiat a velit. Vestibulum gravida diam quis risus molestie bibendum a et lacus.